What are Elixirs?
Our Elixirs are essences, vibrational therapy that work on the auric field and at the subtle energy body. These elixirs support balance the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our lives.
An essence is a vibrational imprint, life force of the plant medicine or fungi, radiated through water and utilizes the elements of fire, air, water, and earth.
Richard Gerber MD, in his book Vibrational Medicine states, “Vibration is a synonym for frequency, and the only difference between dense matter, such as a piece of wood and subtle matter, such as an essence, is the frequency at which they vibrate.”
According to flower essence teacher Gurudus
“when a [plant/fungi/medicine] flower or crystal essence is ingested or absorbed through the skin, it is assimilated into the bloodstream. It then settles between the circulatory and nervous systems. An electromagnetic current is created by the polarity of the two systems. The essence then moves to the [acupuncture] meridians, which are mechanisms of interface between the subtle bodies and the physical body.
From the meridians, the life force of the essence is amplified to the chakras and subtle bodies and then back again to the physical body.
Since essences are a vibration, if an essence is not resonant, it will float out of your aura.
Since no physical plant or fungi material is in the essence, it is safe for everyone. It is quantum medicine ~ the quantum dose is not the particle, it’s the quantum wave.
We see the drops similar to planting seeds. If the elixir is a fit, it will vibrate with you; the ‘seed’ will root and grow, and offer its benefit in your life. If it’s not resonant or needed for you, the essence will dissipate and have no effect.